Living Lighter on Mother Earth

Our planet is often called Mother Earth, because much like our own mothers, she gives us life. She is a living entity that sustains us, giving us the air we need to breathe, food to nourish us, water to sustain us, and resources for clothing and shelter. Like many good mothers, she is overburdening herself to support each and every one of us... but it's time for us to grow up. We know about the toll our actions and lifestyles are taking on this beautiful planet. Its time to take care of her, for a change. So, what can we do to live lighter on our dear Mother Earth?

Our goal at Lotus Tribe is to educate and empower you to know that you have the potential to make a real difference. In this blog we will discuss easy to implement, real-world solutions to lower your ecological footprint and minimize your personal impact on the environment. From what and how we eat, to our shopping habits, transportation and homes there are many, many ways we can do better. Let's look at each of these more closely...

Solutions for a healthier planet


We all eat, everyday. Where your food comes from and how it is made has an enormous impact on not only your personal health and wellness, but also that of the planet. Is it local, or shipped from overseas? Does its production sequester carbon or require the use of antibiotics and poison our waterways? Below are tips for reducing your personal impact:

  • Eat a more plant based diet. It takes a massive amount of resources in terms of food, land and water to produce meat, especially beef. Not to mention, the staggering effects of industrial farming practices have on the environment. Even if you are not vegetarian, you can implement practices such as "Meatless Monday" or plant based dinners.
  • Packaging in the food industry uses an incredible amount of unnecessary resources. Shop in the bulk section whenever possible (and bring your own containers). You can find cereals, pasta, nuts, candy, shampoos, soaps and so much more.
  • When shopping, always bring your own reusable bags. Not just the grocery store either, any kind of shopping. Keep bags ready to use in your car, or purse so you have them at all times. 
  • You can also buy fresh, local foods that are not transported long distances using fossil fuels to get to your town, thus cutting out the carbon trail. Shop farmers' markets where things are locally made and do not come pre-packaged. Real food doesn't have an ingredients label.
  • Pick organic produce to reduce chemicals in the environment. Who ever thought that putting poison on our food was a good idea?
  • Even better, plant a garden and grow your own food. No packaging, no transportation, no pesticides. If you don't have room at your own house, look for community gardens to participate in, or create one in your neighborhood. 
  • Compost food scraps or use worm bins. Kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, leaves and other natural yard waste don't break down well in the landfill and can be turned into valuable compost to be used instead of fertilizer. Even if you don't have a garden, its best not to add food waste to the landfill. Use for landscaping or donate to a neighbor or community garden.  

Mindful Consumption: 

First and foremost would be for all of us to buy less stuff. Ask yourself if you really need another pair of shoes or the newest model of cell phone. Think before you buy and then be a conscious consumer.

Everything we buy is made of resources. There's the raw materials needed to create it, the labor and energy used for the production process, and resources used in packaging plus the carbon trail to get the goods to you. Every step adda up.

Don't be swayed by the concept of recycling, as most things we call recyclable are not really recycled. The six R's of consumption go like this:

  •   Refuse- Skip the packaging, straw, etc.
  •   Reduce- Consume less.
  •   Reuse- Many things can be repurposed.
  •   Repair- Fix it before replacing it.
  •   Rot- Let it go back to the Earth.
  •   Recycle- Notice this is last on the list.
To reduce the impact of your purchases:
  • Choose quality products. Everyday items such as shoes, tools, and appliance that are well made will last longer and have the ability to be repaired, creating an even longer lifespan. Fast fashion and single use items are used for very limited amounts of time and are then replaced constantly. Opt out of the disposable lifestyle.
  • Pick items that are natural, earth friendly and made of sustainable resources. This covers every single thing you buy. If its made of single use plastic, look for the same items that are reusable and made of metal, glass or paper. 
  • Shop locally made whenever possible to reduce the carbon emissions related to transportation. Local businesses sell products from around the world, so its best to look where the item is made too. 
  • Packaging uses incredible amounts of resources and usually goes straight to the landfill. Try to purchase items without packaging, or with compostable biodegradable natural packaging. Always bring your own bags, take away containers, straws, etc. 

Transportation and Travel: 

To save on fuel and reduce carbon emissions it would be great if we lived close to our jobs or worked from home, but the truth is, we all need transportation sometimes, if not daily. There are a number of ways to reduce our personal emissions:

  • Walk or ride a bike whenever possible. No fuel or resources needed plus its fun and you get exercise and can enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. 
  • Use public transportation. By sharing a ride, resources are distributed to a larger group, with more bang for the buck. 
  • Carpool with friends and family when attending the same events. 
  • Use ridesharing services so you don't need to own a vehicle. 
  • Choose to ride a scooter or motorcycle. They get great gas mileage and save money.
  • If you do purchase a vehicle, be sure to pick one with good fuel efficiency.
  • Traveling by car or train uses much less fuel than flights. Take trips and see the sights closer to home and be earth conscious when planning vacations. 

Every little bit helps, think ahead, plan accordingly and do your best.


The houses we live in also use a lot of resources, from building materials to lifestyle. If you have the luxury to build your own home, you can choose to build a smaller house using less resources, choose building materials that are better for passive heating/cooling, add more windows for natural lighting, and plant trees for shade (to keep the house cool). Even better than retrofitting existing structures is to build environmentally sound structures from the start. For most of us though, we have to do the best with what we have. Here are suggestions anyone can implement in their homes and daily lives:

  • Live in a smaller home. Less energy to heat and cool, less possessions to fill it. Tiny homes are the future!
  • Turn off and unplug unused appliances. Anything plugged in (like your coffee maker) is using electricity, even when not in use. 
  • Turn off the lights. Simple, right? Make it habit when leaving the room.
  • Switch to energy efficient light bulbs, its so easy and really does make a difference!
  • Paint your roof white to reflect the sun's rays. This natural anti warming method can save air conditioning costs by 40% by keeping your house cool. 
  • Save the cold water when waiting for it to warm up in your shower. Use for pets, to water your house plants or in the garden, but don't let it just go down the drain, water is a precious resource.
  • Use natural cleaning products. The water and byproducts from your dishes, shower, laundry, etc. all go into the water supply and often go right back to the earth. You can even use this "grey water" to water your lawn or garden. 
  • Wash your laundry in cold water, save power by not heating it. 
  • Hang dry your laundry. No need to waste energy, plus you save money.
  • Pick natural fiber housewares, from cotton towels and sheets to ceramic or glass dishes. Use cloth napkins rather than paper towels. The choices are endless here. 
  • Bare floors or area rugs are better than synthetic toxic wall to wall carpeting. Carpets have been proven to make children and pets ill due to the chemicals used and the fire retardant chemicals added. Carpeting also collects known allergens like dust and dust mites. Every time carpets are replaced, it takes up so much room in the landfill. Use natural floor coverings like sea grass, solutions exist. 
  • Open the windows for a breeze and fresh air, many homes are bad for your health when kept closed up, and fresh air just smells better. 
  • Use a fan before turning on air conditioning. Close the vents to only cool the room you are in. Set your thermostat higher in the warm months.
  • Add a blanket or put on more clothes before turning up the heater. Set your thermostat lower in the cold moths. Or heat only your bedroom, not the entire house. You can also use an electric blanket rather than heating an entire room. 
  • Choose renewable energy providers and/or install solar panels if possible. 
  • Essential oils can be used to deter pests and rodents. There is a natural solution to almost everything. 

Final Thoughts

Have you every thought that somebody should really fix the world's problems? Well, guess what, you are somebody, and you have more power than you think. 

Our biggest impact comes from acting cooperatively. Individuals each doing their parts, adds up collectively. If each of us thought more about how we shop, where we shop, packaging, and transportation and implemented simple changes like eating less meat, the cumulative effects would be astounding. We have the power to create the changes we need.

We have offered helpful suggestions so you can find ways to lighten your personal footprint. We hope you can easily implement many of them into your own life. No matter how eco you may consider yourself, there are always ways to be more Earth friendly. Every day is Earth Day when your care about Mother Earth. 

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi